Saturday, May 06, 2006

India first impressions

after over 30 hours of travel, i'm in madras. it's hot! i feel like i'm siting in front of a fire with the wind blowing the flames in my direction. did i mention that it's hot? i'm waiting for r to take a shower so that i can take one, because 30 hours of travel and this heat make me feel the need to wash.

musings thus far:

families everywhere have the same issues. discussing jewlery, r and her mom sounded just like me & my mom. seriously, i felt like i was in my own house. except for when they spoke in tamul. and offered me chai.

traffic lanes are helpful, but not necessary.

7 meals in 30 hours is too many.

ok, i know, not very many musings. but i just got here, and i haven't seen much outside of r's house

write me some comments so that i feel connected to my home :)


At 09:26, Blogger Syl said...

hehe I just checked the weather in Chennai and it's 86 degrees Fahrenheit. In Delhi, it's 110. I am sitting in a nice 67 degree weather, thinking about how nice it'll be there in December :-P

At 11:26, Blogger apete said...

It's chennai!

And it averaged about 95 degrees in Nicaragua. I hope it doesn't get that hot.

At 14:51, Blogger Camie Vog said...

You go, Amy! Glad to see that you are maintaining the blog while out of the country. Post some pictures if you can. You are there, who cares how hot it is? Kind of a silly issue, don't you think? Will check back often. Be safe.

At 23:57, Blogger Amy said...

I'm dealing with the heat with little trouble. Just a first impression, which I now realized was caused in part by my super-strong sun tan lotion. Apete - it's been in the 90s here, but I'm really glad (like Sylvie) that I'm not in Dehli. 39 Celsius is much better than 49!


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