Saturday, October 28, 2006

Toby Attacks

Here's Toby about a month ago, looking very cute. He recently discovered that he can climb on the couch on his own, and now he likes to spend all his time there. If I'm not on the couch, for some reason he likes to sit where I usually sit.
You can't quite tell (all the good picks came out blurry) but Toby is actually in the process of attacking Leticia here. In his defense, she was encouraging him (she can't have a dog at her flat in Newscastle) but still....
Here's a better view of him, clearly sneaking up on Autumn from behind. This went on for a rather long time....
Probably neaking up on another victim (while promoting his corporate sponsor).... Posted by Picasa


At 09:24, Blogger Camie Vog said...

He sure is a little handsome!

Infamous Flint resident?? Surely, you can't mean Mr. Moore? He graduated from Davison High, a small town east of Flint. He is older than me, and well, he's a butthead in real life.

At 20:45, Blogger Amy said...

See, I thought you knew he was a butthead 'cause you knew him when you were kids. But maybe some story got mis-translated to me. Like his polarizing ilk (like Anne Coulter), he's a no-goodnic in my book....


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