Sunday, September 17, 2006


Last week was a busy one for me. I went to a baseball game on Wednesday with other new employees from work, which was fun. Saturday, I played phone/e-mail tag with my cell-less former roommate (Leticia), who was in the country on a business trip. We finally managed to get ahold of one another, and then we attended my city's Octoberfest celebration - aparently the biggest one in North America.

And here's the part that will make everyone jealous. We got to participate in (eat your hearts out) the World's Largest Chicken Dance. Oh yeah. Na-na-na-na-na-na-na, Na-na-na-na-na-na-na, Meep-Meep-Meep-Meep. Plus, there was struedal (sp?), and some very good German beer. Like all of this town's many festivals, it was all about the food. Then, I got to show Leticia my new place, and my dog got to attack her. I think she liked the dog more than the place (he is adorable, after all).

Today, I walked across the Purple People Bridge to Kentucky with an old friend from high school, who just happened to move here (for a boy, it's always either a job or a boy) a few months before I did. I really like the bridge, and it's great to have an old friend nearby, but I don't understand why people pay money to climb the bridge- the climbers are only about 15 feet above those of us who take the walk for free....

I also pulled one of Toby's teeth (he still had a loose baby tooth in front of an adult one, and the adult one was a bit crooked as a result. Hopefully, it will right itself now). I'll put some pics of Toby attacking Leticia up soon.


At 18:25, Blogger srah said...

Hurrah Zinzinnati!


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