Condominium (aka "condo"): Home, frequently occupied by the young, first-time home-buyer, that may resemble a house or apartment. Such abodes require monthly fees in exchange for freeddom from lawn care and snow shoveling.
India: Large country in South Asia. Suitable place to visit when it's time for something completely different, particularly when funny friends invite you on the journey.
Cincinnati: Medium-sized city in Southern Ohio, borded by Kentuky. Contains many very green parks, along with numerous hills and vallies. Site of the
Lily Pad Project, which aims to provide free wireless internet at sites around the city. Future home of yours truly.
Restless Ennui: Feeling that overtakes soon-to-be graduates, who have both too little and too much to do, all at the same time.
Dog: Furry friend. Makes life better. Excellent companion for new home in new city.
Reagan Democrat: Democrat who, in the early and mid-1980s, for some reason chose to vote for a sunny, California actor-turned-politician.
Bush Democrat: Former moderate who, shocked by the oh-my-God-we're-all-gonna-die, deficit and spend tactics of our current president, becomes (at least for now) a loyal Democrat.