Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Bad move, Michigan

Picked Mit. Blech. Flip-flop-lying-roboman. 'Nuff said.

At least they didn't pick "make-the-constitution-match-God's-law" Huckabee. I wonder if he realizes that that would require banning mixed blend sweaters? "I'm sorry sir, we cannot hear your appeal on your conviction for wearing cotton pants with a wool sweater. You may return to your cell." Imagine what it would say about Polyester!

On a brighter note, my eyes are getting so much better. I haven't had to put in eye drops today since the middle of the afternoon. And every morning, when I wake up, I can see!!!! Amazing. I've been using the computer all night with no eye strain, too.

I want a MacBook Air. Super light = super great. But, I'd actually like a regular MacBook or MacBook Pro made lighter. A four pound computer around one inch thick with more ports/some drives would work better. I don't need a computer that I can put in an envelope.

On Saturday, I managed to cut Toby's nails without upsetting him. Normally, he turns into a vicious wild animals the instant I bring out the clippers. The secret? I put him on the table. That was it. I think the combination of not being able to escape & not being held down (I let him stand, he was so calm) kept him comfortable. Instead of trying to bite me, he actually licked my face. The only problem was that he moved his back paws a bit, so I couldn't safely cut off as much. But, now that it's no longer a horrible ordeal, I can trim his nails more often. Sweet.

Okay, I know none of that made any sense, so I'll summarize. Rom-bot bad. Vision good. Air good. Non-vicious-nail-cutting good.


At 13:28, Blogger srah said...

Lots of Democrats voted for Romney just to keep him in the race and keep the Republican pool diluted.

At 15:21, Blogger Amy said...

That's what one blogger told them to do, but it's not what happened. Only 1 in 10 voters in the Michigan Republican primary were Democrats, way lower than when McCain won in 2000.

I think it's more likely that Romney supporters turned out in droves due to early media reports of his political demise. Just like people did for Hillary Clinton in NH. I started to think he would win on Monday night when I heard some pundit ask "will Romney withdraw if he looses Michigan" - swap in Hillary and NH and it's the same thing they were asking the night of the NH primary.

At 15:21, Blogger Amy said...

That's what one blogger told them to do, but it's not what happened. Only 1 in 10 voters in the Michigan Republican primary were Democrats, way lower than when McCain won in 2000.

I think it's more likely that Romney supporters turned out in droves due to early media reports of his political demise. Just like people did for Hillary Clinton in NH. I started to think he would win on Monday night when I heard some pundit ask "will Romney withdraw if he looses Michigan" - swap in Hillary and NH and it's the same thing they were asking the night of the NH primary.


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